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Newman Center Alumni


Welcome Back Home! For decades, the Newman Center has been the Catholic home away from home for students at Keene State College (in its many names through the years). We would love to hear from you and keep you up to date with what's going on around the Common Room! Check out a few different ways to stay connected below:


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There are a lot of ways to stay connected to the Newman Center community and to your old friends at the Newman Center! 


Check out a few ways to the side, or just send us an email


If you're here, chances are you valued your time at the Newman Center while you were in college.



Now, you can play a pivotal part in keeping this ministry a reality for today's students and future generations. Find out how you can do this with your time, talent or treasure on our Donations page.

Send us a Prayer Request!

We would love to keep our alumni close in prayer!

If you have a specific prayer request, please submit it below and we'll lift it up! 

Thanks for your prayer request! We'll lift it up at our next Gathering!

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