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Awards and Recognition: Cindy was honored to recieve the Staff Partnership Award from the Keene State Office of Multicultural Student Support and Success in 2019.


Education: Cindy received her Bachelor of Arts in Biblical and Theological Studies from North Park University. She is a certified Level I Catechist in Catechesis of the Good Shepherd and is trained in Creighton FertiliCare. Her graduate-level work includes studies at North Park Seminary, the Boston College School of Theology and Ministry, Christ Church College at Oxford University, and the University of Cambridge. She is currently a PhD student at the University of Aberdeen (Scotland).



In her spare time, Cindy enjoys international travel (or dreaming of it at least) and is a prolific knitter with a healthy yarn stash. She and her husband live on a small farm outside of Keene with their two children, 10 chickens, about 20 wild turkeys, a (very loud) screech owl, a cat who thinks he's a dog, and a dog who wants to be friends with the cat (but is failing miserably).


To email Cindy, click here!

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Cynthia Cheshire
Director and Campus Minister


Cindy has been serving the college communities of Keene with dedication (and a lot of coffee dates) since 2012. She has a passion for meeting students, staff, and faculty wherever they are in their spiritual journey, and for building relationships across campus through innovative programming.


Favorite Spot on the Keene State Campus:  The benches on Fiske Quad

Patron Saint: St. Perpetua

On Campus and Community Involvement: 

  • Cohen Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies Advisory Council

  • Student Development Collaborative

  • Anti-Oppression Coalition for Equity

  • Alcohol & Other Drugs Committee

  • Keene Interfaith Clergy Association

  • CALL (continuing education) instructor (courses include "Intro to the Bible as Literature", "Harry Potter and the Sacred Text", and "Religion in Pop Culture")

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