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Liturgical Ministries

Want to get involved in Mass at St. Bernard's? Read through the ministries below, then fill out the form below to get started!


Lectors are responsible for proclaiming God's word in the first several readings of the Mass! This is an especially rewarding ministry, because the preparation for Lectoring each week--reading and meditating on the Scriptures they'll be reading--helps the individual dive deeper into the Word and participate more fully in the Mass.

Altar Servers

Altar Servers are faithful parishioners of all ages who assist the priest during the Mass with the various articles of the Mass--by carrying the cross, incense or candles in procession, providing the Sacramentary for prayers, and assisting in setting the altar for the Eucharistic celebration. 


Altar Serving is open to any parishioner who has received their First Communion--children and adults. 

Eucharistic Ministers and Sacristans 

This special calling of the lay people of the parish assists the clergy during Mass in distributing the Precious Body and Blood of Jesus Christ during communion.  Such a calling is confirmed by the Pastor and approved by the Bishop.  We need EMs for Masses and for distribution of communion to the sick and homebound.  


A Sacristan is usually an Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist who helps to prepare the sacred vessels and gifts for the Mass. It is important that a sacristan has at least 30 minutes to give before the Mass for this preparation. This ministry is vital to the successful preparation of Mass and a tremendous help to the clergy. 

Greeters and Ushers

Were you a leader during Freshman Orientation? Do you love catching up with your friends and acquaintances as you walk down Appian Way? Then you'd be a great greeter! Greeters show up to Mass about 15 minutes early and welcome people as they arrive. An outgoing and warm personality are definitely helpful in this minsitry!


Ushers are responsible for taking the Collection during Mass.  They don't need to show up early, but they definitely need to be there when they say they will.

Let's Get Started!
Fill out the form below, and we'll get back to you as soon as possible! 

We've got it! Thanks for your interest. We'll be in touch soon!

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