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Wrapping Up Summer, Staring Down Fall

Can you believe it's August already?

Me neither.

It's been a long summer, but a great one. My days have been filled with tending to our farm and watching the children, lots of travels (sometimes planned, sometimes off the cuff), and actually reading a book or two. I know, I sound like an old lady, but these lazy summer days are some of the most productive of my year because they give me the time to just be. And think. Lots of thinking. And you should like that, because all that thinking leads to programs and events and ideas for the Newman Center!

Kiwi popsicle

It's been a busy summer of thinking and planning and scheduling, and as our summer turns to Fall, I think you'll like what summer has brought about. Here's a sneak peak:

  • Our new website! Have you noticed? Of course you did, because you had to follow a different link to get here. But seriously, check it out! Click around! You might just find links to a program or resource that you never knew existed!

  • We have an awesome Fall Retreat in the works! This year, we're parterning with the campus ministry at Plymouth State for a bigger, better retreat that's going to focus on our identities in Christ. Check it out here!

  • The return of Theology on Tap! Many of our community members celebrated their 21st birthdays over the summer break, so ToT is returning on the first Fridays of the month. Join us on Friday, October 2nd at the Elm City Brewery for a laid-back discussion on being Catholic in today's culture--and look out for more ToT events!

  • A super awesome, top-secret project with our Music Ministry that will be announced during our first Sunday night gathering on September 6th! Join us in the Common Room for fellowship, praise and worship, and dinner starting at 7 pm!

  • Our KSC Newman Student Organization has already started planning their activities for the year and let me just say: it's. going. to. be. great. Keep an eye out on this blog and the "For Students" area for upcoming events and posts from our Student Executive Board

We've got a whole lot more planned for this year and I can't wait to see it all happen! More importantly, I can't wait to see all our returning students and meet our new ones. I've been praying for each and every one of you (even the ones I haven't met yet) this summer. It's going to be a great year!

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